Publications by date

NExLA brings together South Africa’s growing corps of well-connected and widely recognised experts on language assessment. The entries below refer to some of their most prominent work. The bibliography focuses mainly on tests of academic literacy, with an emphasis on South African made tests such as the National Benchmark Tests (NBTs), Test of Academic Literacy Levels (TALL), Toets van Akademiese Geletterdheid (TAG) and TALPS (Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students). From the expertise gained by the design of these tests, other specialised tests were also developed (click here for a list). NExLA is interested in all aspects of language testing.

NExLA’s aim is to further expand our international connections

Established international scholars are included where South African language testing issues have been addressed by them.

How to obtain an article?

  1. Items marked with the open access icon fulltext_open_medium are available in PDF for free. To access an article, click on the hyperlinked DOI, or URI.
  2. Items marked with the restricted access icon fulltext_restricted_medium can only be accessed on the basis of a subscription or fee per article. However, in some cases, we have provided access by linking titles to the pre-published manuscript (where copyright allows it). Look out for an underlined title!

Also see the NExLA bibliography listing publications by first author.

 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021| 2020 | 20192018 2017 2016 |  2015  | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011  | 2010 | 2009  | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

fulltext_open_medium Green, Jonathan, Weideman, Albert, Davis, Charmaine, Judith, Kate & Harmes, Marcus.  Using a five-phase applied linguistics design to develop a contextualized academic literacy placement test for pre-university pathway students. Literacy Research and Instruction, 1-27.

fulltext_restricted_medium Salaberry, M. Raphael & Weideman, Albert. 2024.  Context, construct and ethics. In Salaberry, M.R., Weideman, A. & Hsu, W-L. (eds.). Ethics and context in second language testing: Rethinking validity in theory and practice (Chapter 1, pp. 3-27). Routledge. -2

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, K. & Mutakwa, D. (2024). A multilingual student population taking a test of academic literacy in English: Implications for test fairness. In K. Vogt & B. E. Antia (Eds.), Multilingual Assessment – Finding the Nexus? (pp.155-184). Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang Verlag.

fulltext_open_medium Vogt, K., Antia, B., E. (2024). Multilingual assessment – Finding the Nexus? Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang Verlag.

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert. 2024. Yardsticks for the future of language assessment: Disclosing the meaning of measurement. In Salaberry, M.R., Weideman, A. & Hsu, W-L. (Eds.). Ethics and context in second language testing: Rethinking validity in theory and practice (Chapter 9, pp. 220-234). Routledge. -12

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert & Deygers, Bart. 2024.  Validity and validation: An alternative perspective. In Salaberry, M.R., Weideman, A. & Hsu, W-L. (Eds.). Ethics and context in second language testing: Rethinking validity in theory and practice (Chapter 2, pp. 28-50). Routledge. -3


fulltext_restricted_medium Fladung, llka, Gruhn, Sophie, Österbauer, Veronika, & Jost, Jörg. (2023). Assessing writing in fourth grade: Rhetorical specification effects on text quality. Assessing Writing, 57: 1-15, Article 100764.

fulltext_open_medium Gruhn, Sophie, Segers, Elaine, Keuning, Jos, & Verhoeven, Ludo. (2023). Understanding variation in children’s reading comprehension: A dynamic approach. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 1–26.

fulltext_open_medium Mahlasela, Johannes. 2023. Equalising Grade 12 home language examination papers in a multilingual education department : The case of Sesotho and English (Doctoral dissertation, North-West University).

fulltext_restricted_medium Schildt Laura, Deygers, Bart & Weideman, Albert. 2023. Language testers and their place in the policy web. Language Testing (Online first: article first published online on 17 August).

fulltext_open_medium Weideman Albert & Van Dyk, Tobie. 2023. Achieving technical economy: A modification of cloze procedure.  Language Teaching Research Quarterly 37 (Special issue in
honour of James Dean Brown’s five-decade contribution to language testing
and assessment).


fulltext_open_medium Drennan, Laura.  2022. Transitioning from undergraduate to postgraduate studies: A multistage evaluation of a discipline-specific writing intervention. Journal for Language Teaching, 56(2): 1-24.

fulltext_open_medium Mhlongo, Praysgod,  Du Plessis, Colleen & Weideman, Albert. 2022.  The development of a motivation for language learning questionnaire in multilingual South Africa: Context and use. Per Linguam 38(1): 118-141.

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo. 2022. The academic development approach to academic literacy in higher education South Africa: a disconnect between teaching and assessment. Journal for Language Teaching 56(2): 1-16.

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo. 2022. Determining the faculty specific academic literacies needs of first year university students: a mixed methods approach. Journal for Language Teaching, 56(2): 1-20.

fulltext_restricted_medium Van Dyk, Tobie & Weideman, Albert. 2022. Taaltoetsing en die assessering van taalvermoë [Language testing and the assessment of language ability]. In W. Carstens & T. van Dyk (Eds.), Toegepaste Taalkunde in Afrikaans [Applied linguistics in Afrikaans] (pp. 125-1420). Pretoria: Van Schaik.

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert. 2022. Context, construct, and validation: A perspective from South Africa. Language Assessment Quarterly 19(2): 124-141.


fulltext_open_medium Drennan, Laura, Joubert, Michelle, Weideman, Albert & Posthumus, Rohan. 2021. Combined measures of identifying language risk for first-year students. Journal for Language Teaching 55(2): 93-116.

fulltext_open_medium Grobler, Carina & Smits, F.H. 2021. The development and refinement of a rating scale for beginner students’ foreign language speaking skills. Journal for Language Teaching 55(2): 117-145.

 Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.). 2021. Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation. (New Perspectives on Language and Education; no. 84.) Bristol: Multilingual Matters. https://doi/org/10.21832/WEIDEM6201

CHAPTERS (alphabetical by author). Titles are hyperlinked so that abstracts can be accessed.

fulltext_restricted_medium Cliff, Alan. 2021. The use of mediation and feedback in a standardised test of academic literacy: theoretical and design considerations. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 75-92.

fulltext_restricted_medium Drennan, Laura. 2021. Assessing readiness to write: The design of an Assessment of Preparedness to Present Multimodal Information (APPMI). In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 196-216.

fulltext_restricted_medium Du Plessis, Colleen. 2021: Basic education and academic literacy: conflicting constructs in the South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) Language Examination. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 95-116.

fulltext_restricted_medium Du Plessis, Theo. 2021. Institutional language policy and academic literacy in South African higher education. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 3-21.

fulltext_restricted_medium Myburgh-Smit Jo-Mari & Weideman, Albert. 2021. How early should we measure academic literacy? The usefulness of an appropriate test of academic literacy for Grade 10 students. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 117-131.

fulltext_restricted_medium Rambiritch, Avasha, Alston, Linda & Graham, Marien. 2021. Diagnosing with care: The academic literacy needs of theology students. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 170-195.

fulltext_restricted_medium Read, John and Du Plessis, Colleen. 2021. Introduction. A global perspective on the South African context. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. xiii-xxvii.

fulltext_restricted_medium Sebolai, Kabelo. 2021. Generic academic literacy testing: a logical precursor for faculty-specific language teaching and assessment. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 151-169.

fulltext_restricted_medium Steyn, Sanet. 2021. Pathways to parity between parallel tests of language ability: Lessons from a project. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 132-147.

fulltext_restricted_medium Van Dyk, Tobie. 2021. Postscript: What the data tell us: an overview of language assessment research in South Africa’s multilingual context. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 217-235.

fulltext_restricted_medium Van Dyk, Tobie, Murre, Piet, & Kotzé, Herculene. 2021. Does one size fit all? Some considerations for test translation. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 52-74.

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert. 2021. A skills-neutral approach to academic literacy assessment. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 22-51.


fulltext_restricted_medium Louw, Henk, Steyn, Juan & Pool, Jessica. 2020. Utilising lecturer input to inform the design of an audio e-assessment tool. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 38(4): 269-281.

fulltext_open_medium Mhlongo, PraysGod, Du Plessis, Colleen, & Weideman, Albert. 2020.  Investigating education students’ language learning beliefs and motivation for learning. Journal for Language Teaching. 54(1): 97-121.

fulltext_restricted_medium Nizonkiza, Déogratias, Van de Poel, Kris, Van Dyk Tobie & Louw, Henk. 2020. Towards modelled testing of productive knowledge of collocations. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 38(4): 307-322. https://10.2989/16073614.2020.1858123

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo & Stanford, Fiona. 2020. Validating the highest performance standard of a test of academic literacy at a South African university. Per Linguam 36(2): 76-89.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2020. Complementary evidence in the early-stage validation of language tests: Classical Test Theory and Rasch analyses. Per Linguam 36(2): 57-75.


fulltext_open_medium Drennan, Laura. 2019. Defensibility and accountability: Developing a theoretically justifiable academic writing intervention for students at tertiary level. PhD thesis, University of the Free State. URI:

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo. 2019. Validating the performance standards set for language assessments of academic readiness: The case of Stellenbosch University. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, Vol. 56: 65-81.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2019a. Definition and design: aligning language interventions in education. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 56: 31-46.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2019b. Degrees of adequacy: the disclosure of levels of validity in language assessment. Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 84(1): 1-15.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2019c. Validation and the further disclosures of language test design. Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 84(1): 1-10.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2019d.  Assessment literacy and the good language teacher: four principles and their applications. Journal for Language Teaching 53(1): 103-121.


Sebolai, Kabelo. 2018. The differential predictive validity of a test of academic literacy for students from different English language school backgrounds. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. https://doi/org/10.2989/16073614.2018.1480899

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo. 2018. Revisiting the meaning of validity for language testing:  The case of two tests of English language ability.  Journal for Language Teaching 52(1): 152-168. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v52i1.8

fulltext_open_medium Steyn, Sanet. 2018. A theoretical justification for the design and refinement of a Test of Advanced Language Ability (TALA). MA dissertation, University of the Free State. [Cum laude]

fulltext_open_medium Van der Walt, Johann L. & Mostert, Annemarie. 2018. Academic literacy and the development of inference skills at secondary school level. Journal for Language Teaching 52(1): 62 –80. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v52i1.4


fulltext_open_medium Butler, Gustav. 2017. Translating the Test of Academic Literacy Levels into Sesotho. Journal for Language Teaching 51(1): 11–43. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v5i1.1

fulltext_open_medium Du Plessis, Colleen. 2017.  Developing a theoretical rationale for the attainment of greater equivalence of standard in the Grade 12 Home Language exit-level examinations. PhD thesis, University of the Free State URI:

fulltext_open_medium Fouché, Ilse. 2017.  2017. Impact measurement: quantitatively determining the improvement in students’ academic literacy levels at a South African university.  Journal for Language Teaching 51(1): 163 –199.

fulltext_restricted_medium Fouche, Ilse; Van Dyk, Tobie & Butler, Gustav. 2017. An “enlightening course that empowers first years”? A holistic assessment of the impact of a first-year academic literacy course. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 27: 14-30. https://doi/org/10.1016/j.jeap.2017.02.006

fulltext_open_medium Gruhn, Sophie & Weideman, Albert. 2017.  The initial validation of a Test of Emergent Literacy (TEL). Per Linguam 33(1):25-53. https://doi/org/10.5785/33-1-698

fulltext_open_medium Keyser, Gini. 2017. Die teoretiese begronding vir die ontwerp van ‘n nagraadse toets van akademiese geletterdheid in Afrikaans. MA dissertation, University of the Free State. URI:

fulltext_open_medium Myburgh-Smit, Jo-Mari & Weideman, Albert. 2017. Refinement and uses of a test of academic literacy for Grade 10 students. Journal for Language Teaching 51(1): 271–295.

fulltext_restricted_medium Scholtz, Desireé. 2017. The appropriateness of standardised tests in academic literacy for diploma programmes of study. Language Matters 48(1): 27-47. https://doi/org/10.1080/10228195.2016.1271350

fulltext_open_medium Steyn, HS & Van der Walt, Johann L. 2017. Setting a cut-off score for a placement test at tertiary level. Journal for Language Teaching 51(2): 105-118. https://doi/org/10.4314/jltv51i2.5

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert. 2017. Does responsibility encompass ethicality and accountability in language assessment?  Language & Communication 57(Nov.) 5-13. https://doi/org/10.1016/j.langcom.2016.12.004

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert. 2017. The refinement of the idea of consequential validity within an alternative framework for responsible test design. In J. Allan & A.J. Artiles (Eds) 2017. Assessment inequalities: Routledge World Yearbook of Education, Chapter 12, pp. 218-236. London: Routledge https://doi/org/10.4324/9781315517377.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert; Du Plessis, Colleen & Steyn, Sanet.  2017. Diversity, variation and fairness: Equivalence in national level language assessments.  Literator 38(1): 9p. https://doi/org/10.4102/lit.v38i1.1319


fulltext_restricted_medium Du Plessis, Colleen. 2016. Inferences from the Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students (TALPS).  Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.  https://doi/org/10.2989/16073614.2015.1108206

fulltext_open_medium Du Plessis, Colleen; Steyn, Sanet & Weideman, Albert. 2016. Die assessering van huistale in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Seniorsertifikaateksamen: die strewe na regverdigheid en groter geloofwaardigheid. LitNet Akademies 13(1): 425-443.

fulltext_open_mediumFouché, Ilse. 2016. Assessing the impact of academic literacy interventions in higher education: an evaluation design. PhD thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom.

fulltext_open_medium Fouché, Ilse, Van Dyk, Tobie & Butler, Gustav. 2016Impact measurement: towards creating a flexible evaluation design for academic literacy interventions. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics 45, 109-145.

fulltext_restricted_medium Rambiritch, Avasha & Weideman, Albert. 2016. Telling the story of a test: The Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students (TALPS). In Read, J. (Editor) Post-admission language assessment of university students. Cham: Springer, Chapter 10, pp. 197-216. https://doi/org/10.1007/978-3-319-39192-2_10

fulltext_restricted_medium Rambiritch, Avasha. 2016. Evaluating the effectiveness of a writing intervention for first-year, ‘at-risk’ students. Language Matters 47(1): 22-44. https://doi/org/10.1080/10228195.2015.1136674

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo. 2016. Distinguishing between English proficiency and academic literacy in English. Language Matters 47(1): 45-60. https://doi/org/10.1080/10228195.2015.1124281.

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo. 2016. The incremental validity of three tests of academic literacy in the context of a South African university of technology. PhD thesis, University of the Free State. URI:

fulltext_open_medium Van der Walt, Johann L. & Steyn, H.S.  2016. A norm for an academic literacy placement test. Journal for Language Teaching 50(1): 167-181. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v50i1.8

fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie, Louw, Henk, Nizonkiza Deogratias & Van de Poel, Kris.  2016. Productive knowledge of collocations may predict academic literacy. Per Linguam 32(2): 66-81. https://doi/org/10.5785/32-2-601

fulltext_restricted_medium Wadee, A.A. & Cliff, Alan. 2016. Pre-admission tests of learning potential as predictors of academic success of first-year medical students.  South African Journal of Higher Education 30(2): 264-278. https://doi/org/10.20853/30-2-619

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert; Patterson, Rebecca & Pot, Anna. 2016. Construct refinement in tests of academic literacy. In: Read, J. (Editor) Post-admission language assessment of university students, Chapter 9, pp. 179-196. Cham: Springer.  https://doi/org/10.1007/978-3-319-39192-2_9


fulltext_restricted_medium Cliff, Alan. 2015The National Benchmark Test in Academic Literacy: how might it be used to support teaching in higher education? Language Matters 46(1): 3-21 9.

fulltext_restricted_medium Du Plessis, Colleen & Du Plessis, Theodorus. 2015. Dealing with disparities: the teaching and assessment of official languages at first language level in the grade 12 school-leaving phase in South Africa.  Language, Culture and Curriculum 28(3): 209-225.

fulltext_restricted_medium Elder, Catherine & Read, John. 2015. Post-entry assessments in other countries: The Test of Academic Literacy Levels (TALL) (South Africa). In Assessing English proficiency for university study, pp.70-75. Palgrave Macmillan.

 fulltext_restricted_medium Fleisch, B., Schöer, V. & Cliff, Allan. 2015. When signals are lost in aggregation: a comparison of language marks and competencies of entering university studentsSouth African Journal of Higher Education 29(5): 156–178.

fulltext_open_medium Gruhn, Sophie. 2015. The initial validation of a Test of Emergent Literacy. MA dissertation, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. [cum laude] URI:

fulltext_open_medium Myburgh, Jo-Mari. 2015. The assessment of academic literacy at pre-university level: a comparison of the utility of academic literacy tests and Grade 10 Home Language results. MA dissertation, University of the Free State.

fulltext_restricted_medium Pot, Anna, & Weideman, Albert. 2015. Diagnosing academic language ability: An analysis of the Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students.  Language Matters 46(1): 22-43. https://doi/org/ 10.1080/10228195.2014.986665#

fulltext_open_medium Rambiritch, Avasha. 2015. Accountability issues in testing academic literacy: the case of the Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students (TALPS). Perspectives in Education 33(1): 26–44.

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo & Dzansi, D.Y.  2015. Measuring the impact of an academic literacy programme at a South African University of Technology. International Journal of Educational Sciences 10(2): 248-255.

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo & Huff, Lindsay. 2015. Academic literacy curriculum renewal at a South African university: a case study. Journal for Language Teaching, 49(1): 333-351. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v49i1.13

fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie. 2015. Tried and tested. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing 37(2): 159–186.

fulltext_restricted_medium Van Rooy, Bertus, & Coetzee-Van Rooy, Susan. 2015. The language issue and academic performance at a South African University. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (331(1): 31-46. https://doi/org/10.2989/16073614.2015.1012691


 fulltext_restricted_medium Cliff, Alan. 2014. Entry-level students’ reading abilities and what these abilities might mean for academic readinessLanguage Matters, 45(3), 313–324.

fulltext_open_medium Du Plessis, Colleen. 2014. Issues of validity and generalisability in the Grade 12 English Home Language examination. Per Linguam 30(2): 1–19.

fulltext_open_medium Du Plessis, Colleen & Weideman, Albert. 2014. Writing as construct in the Grade 12 Home Language curriculum and examination.  Journal for Language Teaching 48(2): 121-141. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v48i42.6

fulltext_open_medium Nizonkiza, Déogratias & Van den Berg, Karien. 2014. The dimensional approach to vocabulary testing: What can we learn from past and present practices? Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics 4345-61https://doi/org/10.5774/43-0-169.

fulltext_open_medium Rambiritch, Avasha. 2014. The accessibility of the test of academc literacy for postgraduate students (TALPS): student perceptions. Per Linguam 30(1): 18–27.

fulltext_open_medium Sebolai, Kabelo. 2014. Disparate impact, justice and fairness: a case study of the Test of Academic Literacy Levels.  Journal for Language Teaching 48(1): 89-107. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v48i1.5

fulltext_open_medium Steyn, Sanet. 2014. The design and refinement of a test of early academic literacy. MA dissertation, Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen. [Cum laude]

fulltext_open_medium Van der Walt, Johann L. & Steyn, H.S. 2014. Towards standardisation: a comparison of two versions of an academic literacy test. Journal for Language Teaching 48(1): 109-129. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v48i1.6

fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie. 2014. Academic literacy stretches beyond language development. NWU Research Dynamics [Virtual papers].

fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie & Taljaard, Marlies. 2014. Ses van die een en ‘n halfdosyn van die ander? ‘n Ondersoek na moontlike vlakke van oorvleueling tussen matriek-Afrikaans en -Engels en die NWU se Akademiese Geletterdheidstoets en -kursusse.  Journal for Language Teaching 48(2): 105 –125. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v48i2.5

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2014. Academic literacy: why is it important?  In Weideman & Van Dyk (Eds.) Academic literacy: test your competence, Introductionpp. ii-ix.  Bloemfontein: Geronimo.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2014. Innovation and reciprocity in applied linguistics. Literator 35(1). https://doi/org/10.4102/lit.v35i1.1074


 fulltext_open_medium Butler, Gustav. 2013. Discipline-specific versus generic academic literacy intervention for university education: an issue of impact?  Journal for Language Teaching, 47(2): 71–87.

fulltext_open_medium Grosser, Mary & Nel, Mirna 2013. The relationship between the critical thinking skills and the academic language proficiency of prospective teachers. South African Journal of Education, 33(2): 1–17.

fulltext_open_medium Hattingh, Karien & Van der Walt, Johann L. 2013. The development and validation of a rating scale for ESL essay writing. Journal for Language Teaching 47(1): 73-105. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v47i1.4

fulltext_open_medium Patterson, Rebecca. 2013. Diagnosing for design: Aligning language assessment and language instruction. BA Hons. long essay, University of the Free State.

fulltext_open_medium Patterson, Rebecca & Weideman, Albert. 2013. The refinement of a construct for tests of academic literacy. Journal for Language Teaching, 47(1): 125–151.

fulltext_open_medium Patterson, Rebecca & Weideman, Albert. 2013. The typicality of academic discourse and its relevance for constructs of academic literacy.  Journal for Language Teaching, 47(1): 107–123.

fulltext_open_medium Pot, Anna. 2013. Diagnosing academic language ability: An analysis of TALPS. MA dissertation, Applied Linguistics, summa cum laude, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

fulltext_open_medium Rambiritch, Avasha. 2013. Validating the Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students (TALPS).  Journal for Language Teaching, 47(1):175–193.

 fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie. 2013. Geldigheid vanuit drie paradigmas beskou: ’n eenheid, of ’n veelheid van perspektiewe?  Journal for Language Teaching, 47(1):153–173.

 fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie & Van de Poel, Kris. 2013. Towards a responsible agenda for academic literacy development: Considerations that will benefit students and society. Journal for Language Teaching, 47(2): 43–69.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2013. Academic literacy interventions: What are we not yet doing, or not yet doing right?  Journal for Language Teaching 47(2): 11–23.


 fulltext_open_medium Du Plessis, Colleen. 2012. The design, refinement and reception of a test of academic literacy for postgraduate students. MA dissertation, University of the Free State, cum laude.

 fulltext_open_medium Du Plessis, Colleen. 2012. Facing up to literacy: Perceptions and performance in a test of academic literacy for postgraduate students. Journal for Language Teaching (Special edition: Festschrift in honour of Albert Weideman) 46(2): 43–57.

fulltext_open_medium Rambiritch, Avasha. 2012. Challenging Messick: proposing a theoretical framework for understanding. Journal for Language Teaching (Special edition: Festschrift in honour of Albert Weideman) 46(2): 108–122.

fulltext_open_medium Rambiritch, Avasha. 2012. Transparency, accessibility and accountability as regulative conditions for a postgraduate test of academic literacy. PhD thesis, University of the Free State. URI:

fulltext_open_medium Scholtz, Desireé. 2012. Using the National Benchmark Tests in Engineering diplomas: revisiting generic academic literacy. Journal for Language Teaching 46(1): 46-58. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v46i1.3

fulltext_open_medium Van der Walt, Johann L. 2012. The meaning and uses of language test scores: an argument-based approach to validation. Journal for Language Teaching (Special edition: Festschrift in honour of Albert Weideman) 46(2):43–57.

 fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie & Van der Slik, Frans. 2012. Dalende geletterdheidsvlakke: feit of fiksie? Journal for Language Teaching (Special edition: Festschrift in honour of Albert Weideman) 46(2): 43–57.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2012. Validation and validity beyond Messick. Per Linguam 28(2): 1–14.


fulltext_open_medium Butler, Gustav. 2011. Supervisor perceptions of the academic literacy requirements of postgraduate students at the University of Pretoria.  Journal for Language Teaching 45(1): 7–22.

fulltext_open_medium Le, Phuong Loan. 2011. Assessing academic literacy of first year Vietnamese university students: How appropriate is the TALL?  MA dissertation, University of Groningen. URI:

 fulltext_open_medium Le, Phuong Loan; Du Plessis, Colleen & Weideman, Albert. 2011. Test and context: the use of the test of academic literacy levels (TALL) at a tertiary institution in Viêt nam. Journal for Language Teaching 45(2):  115–131.

  fulltext_open_medium Petersen-Waughtal, M. & Van Dyk, Tobie. 2011. Towards informed decision making: The importance of baseline academic literacy assessment in promoting responsible university access and support. Journal for Language Teaching 45 (1): 99–114.

fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie, Cillié, K., Coetzee, M., Ross, S. & Zybrands, H. 2011. Ondersoek na die impak van ’n leesintervensie op eerstejaarstudente se akademiese taalvermoë. LitNet Akademies, 8(3) December 2011.

fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie, Van Rensburg, Alta & Marais, Fiona. 2011. Levelling the playing field: An investigation into the translation of tests. Journal for Language Teaching 45(1): 153–169.

 fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2011. Academic literacy tests: Design, development, piloting and refinement. Journal for Language Teaching 45(2): 100–113.
fulltext_open_medium Reworked as a workshop presentation for the LANSPAN colloquium, University of Groningen, 4 December, 2012.


fulltext_open_medium Fouché, Ilse. 2010. Improving the academic literacy levels of first-year Natural Sciences students by means of an academic literacy intervention. MA dissertation, University of Pretoria.

fulltext_open_medium Marais, Fiona & Van Dyk, Tobie. 2010. Put listening to the test: an aid to decision making in language placement. Per Linguam 26(2): 34-51.

fulltext_open_medium Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2010. Examining bias in a test of academic literacy: does the Test of Academic Literacy Levels (TALL) treat students from English and African language backgrounds differently? Journal for Language Teaching 44(2): 106-118.

fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie. 2010. Konstitutiewe voorwaardes vir die ontwerp van ’n toets van akademiese geletterdheid [TAG]. PhD thesis, University of the Free State.


fulltext_restricted_medium Butler, Gustav. 2009. The design of a postgraduate test of academic literacy: accommodating student and supervisor expectations. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): 291–300.

fulltext_restricted_medium Cliff, Alan & Hanslo, M. 2009. The design and use of ‘alternate’ assessments of academic literacy as selections mechanisms in Higher Education. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): 265 – 276.

fulltext_restricted_medium Davies, Alan. 2009. Assessing the academic literacy of additional-language students Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): xi–xii. [Edited transcription of the introduction to a symposium as part of the AILA 2008 conference in Essen, Germany]

fulltext_open_medium Hattingh, Karien. 2009. The validation of a rating scale for the assessment of compositions in ESL. PhD thesis, North-West University. URI:

fulltext_open_medium Marais, Fiona. 2009. An investigation into the significance of listening proficiency in the assessment of academic literacy levels at Stellenbosch University. MPhil dissertation, University of Stellenbosch.

fulltext_restricted_medium Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2009. Revisiting test stability: further evidence relating to the measurement of difference in performance on a test of academic literacy. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): 253-263.

fulltext_restricted_medium Van Dyk, Tobie; Zybrands, Helena; Cillié, Karlien & Coetzee, Marisca. 2009. On being reflective practitioners: The evaluation of a writing module for first-year students in the Health Sciences. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 27(3): 333–344.

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert. 2009. Academic literacy: Prepare to learn. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert. 2009. Constitutive and regulative conditions for the assessment of academic literacySouthern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): 235–251.


fulltext_restricted_medium Van der Slik, Frans. 2008. Gender bias and gender differences in two tests of academic literacy. In: Geldenhuys, Jurie (Ed.) 2009. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): 277–290.

fulltext_restricted_medium Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2008. Measures of improvement in academic literacy. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 26(3): 363–378.

fulltext_open_medium Van der Walt, Johann L. & Steyn, Faans. 2008. The validation of language tests. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPIL), 38: 191–204.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert & Van der Slik, Frans. 2008. The stability of test design: Measuring difference in performance across several administrations of a test of academic literacy. Acta Academica 40(1): 161–182.


fulltext_open_medium Butler, Gustav. 2007. A framework for course design in academic writing for tertiary education. PhD thesis, University of Pretoria.

fulltext_open_medium Cliff, Alan, Ramaboa, K. & Pearce, C. 2007. The assessment of entry-level students’ academic literacy: does it matter? Ensovoort (Special edition), 11(2): 33–48.

fulltext_restricted_medium Geldenhuys, Jurie. 2007. Test efficiency and utility: longer and shorter tests. Ensovoort 11 (2): 71–82.

 Naudé, Elsie, Louw, Brenda & Weideman, Albert. 2007. First steps toward developing tools for language assessment in multilingual urban pre-schoolers. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 25(4): 519–538.

fulltext_open_medium Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2007. Testing academic literacy over time: Is the academic literacy of first year students deteriorating? Ensovoort 11(2): 126–137.

fulltext_open_medium Van der Walt, Johann L. & Steyn, H.S. 2007. Pragmatic validation of a test of academic literacy at tertiary level. Ensovoort 11(2): 138–153.

fulltext_open_medium Van der Walt, Johann L. & Hattingh, Karien. 2007. Fluency and accuracy levels of grade 12 ESL learners. Per Linguam, 23(2): 15-28. https://doi/org/10.5785/23-2-53


fulltext_open_medium Cliff, Alan & Yeld, Nan. 2006. Test domains and constructs: academic literacy. In H. Griesel (Ed.) Access and entry level benchmarks: the National Benchmark Tests project, pp. 19-27. Pretoria: Higher Education South Africa.

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert. 2006a. Assessing academic literacy: A task-based approachLanguage Matters 37(1): 81–101.

fulltext_restricted_medium Weideman, Albert. 2006. Transparency and accountability in applied linguistics. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 24(1): 71-86. https://doi/org/ 10.2989/16073610609486407.


fulltext_open_medium Hattingh, Karien, Van der Walt, Johann L .  2005. An index formula for measuring development in second language writing. Journal for Language Teaching 39(2): 293 – 304. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v39i2.6063

fulltext_open_medium Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2005. The refinement of a test of academic literacy. Per Linguam 21(1): 23–35.

fulltext_open_medium Van Dyk, Tobie. 2005. Towards providing effective academic literacy intervention. Per Linguam 21 (2): 38–51.


 Van Dyk, Tobie & Weideman, Albert. 2004. Finding the right measure: from blueprint to specification to item type. Journal for Language Teaching 38 (1): 15–24.

 Van Dyk, Tobie & Weideman, Albert. 2004. Switching constructs: on the selection of an appropriate blueprint for academic literacy assessment.  Journal for Language Teaching 38 (1): 1–13.


fulltext_restricted_medium Cooper, Patricia & Van Dyk, Tobie 2003. Measuring vocabulary: A look at different methods of vocabulary testing. Perspectives in Education 21(1): 67-80.

fulltext_open_medium Weideman, Albert. 2003. Assessing and developing academic literacy. Per Linguam 19 (1 & 2): 55–65.