On this page — also see the NExLA bibliography by date — an article is listed under its FIRST AUTHOR, then by date.
A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z

HOT TIP: Many articles are open access, and marked thus: . In some cases, where a subscription is required to access an article (marked with the symbol
), an underlined title serves as a link to the pre-published accepted manuscript, where copyright allows it.
Butler, H.G. (Gustav)
Butler, Gustav. 2017. Translating the Test of Academic Literacy Levels into Sesotho. Journal for Language Teaching 51(1): 11–43. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v51i1.1
Butler, Gustav. 2013. Discipline-specific versus generic academic literacy intervention for university education: an issue of impact? Journal for Language Teaching, 47(2): 71–87. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v47i2.4
Butler, Gustav. 2011. Supervisor perceptions of the academic literacy requirements of postgraduate students at the University of Pretoria. Journal for Language Teaching 45(1): 7–22. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v45i1.71796
Butler, Gustav. 2009. The design of a postgraduate test of academic literacy: accommodating student and supervisor expectations. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): 291–300. https://doi.org/10.2989/SALALS.2009.
Butler, Gustav. 2007. A framework for course design in academic writing for tertiary education. PhD thesis, University of Pretoria. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/27887
Cliff, Alan
Cliff, Alan. 2021. The use of mediation and feedback in a standardised test of academic literacy: theoretical and design considerations. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 75–92.
Cliff, Alan. 2015. The National Benchmark Test in Academic Literacy: how might it be used to support teaching in higher education? Language Matters 46(1), 3–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/10228195.2015.1027505
Cliff, Alan. 2014. Entry-level students’ reading abilities and what these abilities might mean for academic readiness. Language Matters, 45(3), 313–324. https://doi.org/10.1080/10228195.2014.958519
Cliff, Alan and Montero, Eiliana. 2010. The balance between excellence and equity on admission test: contributions of experiences in South Africa and Costa Rica [English translation]. Ibero-American Journal of Educational Evaluation. 3 (2): 8–28. http://hdl.handle.net/10486/661609
Cliff, Alan & Hanslo, M. 2009. The design and use of ‘alternate’ assessments of academic literacy as selections mechanisms in Higher Education. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special edition), 27(3): 265–276. https://doi.org/10.2989/SALALS.2009.
Cliff, Alan; Ramaboa, K. & Pearce, C. 2007. The assessment of entry-level students’ academic literacy: does it matter? Ensovoort (Special edition), 11(2): 33–48.
Cliff, Alan & Yeld, Nan. 2006. Test domains and constructs: academic literacy. In H. Griesel (Ed). Access and entry level benchmarks: the National Benchmark Tests project, pp. 19–27. Pretoria: Higher Education South Africa.
Cooper, Patricia
Cooper, Patricia & Van Dyk, Tobie 2003. Measuring vocabulary: a look at different methods of vocabulary testing. Perspectives in Education 21(1): 67-80.
Davies, Alan
Professor Alan Davies, founding father and major theorist in the field of applied linguistics, honoured South African applied linguists by writing the introduction to a special issue of the Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.
Davies, Alan. 2009. Assessing the academic literacy of additional-language students. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): xi–xii. [Edited transcription of the introduction to a symposium as part of the AILA 2008 conference in Essen, Germany] https://doi.org/10.2989/SALALS.2009.
Drennan, Laura
Drennan, Laura 2022. Transitioning from undergraduate to postgraduate studies: A multistage evaluation of a discipline-specific writing intervention. Journal for Language Teaching 56(2): 1–24. https://doi.org/10.56285/jltVol56iss2a5293
Drennan, Laura, Joubert, Michelle, Weideman, Albert & Posthumus, Rohan. 2021. Combined measures of identifying language risk for first-year students. Journal for Language Teaching 55(2): 93-116. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v55i2.4
Drennan, Laura. 2021. Assessing readiness to write: The design of an Assessment of Preparedness to Present Multimodal Information (APPMI). In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 196–216.
Drennan, Laura. 2019. Defensibility and accountability: Developing a theoretically justifiable academic writing intervention for students at tertiary level. PhD thesis, University of the Free State. URI: https://hdl.handle.net/11660/10888
Du Plessis, Colleen L.
Du Plessis, Colleen. 2021. Basic education and academic literacy: conflicting constructs in the South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) Language Examination. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 95–116.
Du Plessis, Colleen. 2017. Developing a theoretical rationale for the attainment of greater equivalence of standard in the Grade 12 Home Language exit-level examinations. PhD thesis, University of the Free State. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11660/6421.
Du Plessis, Colleen. 2016. Inferences from the Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students (TALPS). Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. https://doi/org/10.2989/16073614.2015.1108206.
Du Plessis, Colleen; Steyn, Sanet & Weideman, Albert. 2016. Die assessering van huistale in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Seniorsertifikaateksamen: die strewe na regverdigheid en groter geloofwaardigheid. LitNet Akademies 13(1): 425–443.
Du Plessis, Colleen & Du Plessis, Theodorus. 2015. Dealing with disparities: the teaching and assessment of official languages at first language level in the grade 12 school-leaving phase in South Africa. Language, Culture and Curriculum 28(3): 209–225. https://doi.org/10.1080/07908318.2015.1083999
Du Plessis, Colleen. 2014. Issues of validity and generalisability in the Grade 12 English Home Language examination. Per Linguam 30(2): 1–19. https://doi.org/10.5785/30-2-602
Du Plessis, Colleen & Weideman, Albert. 2014. Writing as construct in the Grade 12 Home Language curriculum and examination. Journal for Language Teaching 48(2): 121–141. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v48i42.6
Du Plessis, Colleen. 2012. The design, refinement and reception of a test of academic literacy for postgraduate students. MA dissertation, University of the Free State, cum laude. http://hdl.handle.net/11660/1353
Du Plessis, Colleen. 2012. Facing up to literacy: Perceptions and performance in a test of academic literacy for postgraduate students. Journal for Language Teaching (Special edition: Festschrift in honour of Albert Weideman) 46(2): 43–57. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v46i2.8
Du Plessis, Theodorus
Du Plessis, Theo. 2021. Institutional language policy and academic literacy in South African higher education. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 3–21.
Elder, Catherine
Elder, Catherine & Read, John. 2015. Post-entry assessments in other countries: The Test of Academic Literacy Levels (TALL) (South Africa). In Assessing English proficiency for university study, pp.70-75. Palgrave Macmillan.
Fladung, llka
Fladung, llka, Gruhn, Sophie, Österbauer, Veronika, & Jost, Jörg. (2023). Assessing writing in fourth grade: Rhetorical specification effects on text quality. Assessing Writing, 57: 1–15, Article 100764. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2023.100764
Fleisch, B
Fleisch, B., Schöer, V. & Cliff, Allan. 2015. When signals are lost in aggregation: a comparison of language marks and competencies of entering university students. South African Journal of Higher Education 29(5): 156–178. https://doi.org/10.20853/29-5-530
Fouché, Ilse
Fouché, Ilse. 2017. Impact measurement: quantitatively determining the improvement in students’ academic literacy levels at a South African university. Journal for Language Teaching 51(1): 163 –199. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v51i1.7
Fouché, Ilse; Van Dyk, Tobie & Butler, Gustav. 2017. An “enlightening course that empowers first years”? A holistic assessment of the impact of a first-year academic literacy course. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 27, 14–30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2017.02.006
Fouché, Ilse. 2016. Assessing the impact of academic literacy interventions in higher education: an evaluation design. PhD thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/21064
Fouché, Ilse, Van Dyk, Tobie & Butler, Gustav. 2016. Impact measurement: towards creating a flexible evaluation design for academic literacy interventions. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics 45: 109–145. https://doi.org/10.5774/45-0-202
Fouché, Ilse. 2010. Improving the academic literacy levels of first-year Natural Sciences students by means of an academic literacy intervention. MA dissertation, University of Pretoria. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/26500
Geldenhuys, Jurie
Geldenhuys, Jurie (Ed.) 2009. Preface. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3). https://doi.org/10.2989/SALALS.2009.
Geldenhuys, Jurie. 2007. Test efficiency and utility: Longer and shorter tests. Ensovoort 11 (2): 71–82.
Grosser, M.M. (Mary)
Grosser, Mary & Nel, Mirna 2013. The relationship between the critical thinking skills and the academic language proficiency of prospective teachers. South African Journal of Education, 33(2): 1–17. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v33n2a639
Gruhn, Sophie
Gruhn, Sophie, Segers, Elaine, Keuning, Jos, & Verhoeven, Ludo. (2023). Understanding variation in children’s reading comprehension: A dynamic approach. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 1–26. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.1292
Gruhn, Sophie & Weideman, Albert. 2017. The initial validation of a Test of Emergent Literacy (TEL). Per Linguam 33(1): 25–53. https://doi/org/10.5785/33-1-698
Gruhn, Sophie. 2015. The initial validation of a Test of Emergent Literacy. MA dissertation, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. [cum laude] URI: https://arts.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/id/eprint/16752
Hattingh, Karien
Hattingh, Karien & Van der Walt, Johann L. 2013. The development and validation of a rating scale for ESL essay writing. Journal for Language Teaching. 47(1):73-105. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v47i1.4.
Hattingh, Karien. 2009. The validation of a rating scale for the assessment of compositions in ESL. PhD thesis, North-West University. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10394/4203.
Hattingh, Karien, Van der Walt, Johann L. 2005. An index formula for measuring development in second language writing. Journal for Language Teaching, 39(2): 293–304. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v39i2.6063
Keyser, Gini
Keyser, Gini. 2017. Die teoretiese begronding vir die ontwerp van ‘n nagraadse toets van akademiese geletterdheid in Afrikaans. MA dissertation, University of the Free State. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11660/7704
Le, Phuong Loan
Le, Phuong Loan. 2011. Assessing academic literacy of first year Vietnamese university students: How appropriate is the TALL? MA dissertation, University of Groningen. URI: http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/4ed5fe28087d7
Le, Phuong Loan; Du Plessis, Colleen & Weideman, Albert. 2011. Test and context: the use of the test of academic literacy levels (TALL) at a tertiary institution in Viêt nam. Journal for Language Teaching 45(2): 115–131. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v45i2.7
Le Roux, Natalie
Le Roux, Natalie & Sebolai, Kabelo. 2017. The National Benchmark Test of quantitative literacy: Does it complement the Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy examination? South African Journal of Education 37 (1) 11 2017. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v37n1a1350
Louw, Henk
Louw, Henk, Steyn, Juan & Pool, Jessica. 2020. Utilising lecturer input to inform the design of an audio e-assessment tool. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 38(4): 269-281. https://doi.org/10.2989/16073614.2020.1841660
Mahlasela, Johannes
Mahlasela, Johannes. 2023. Equalising Grade 12 home language examination papers in a multilingual education department: The case of Sesotho and English (Doctoral dissertation, North-West University). https://hdl.handle.net/10394/42388
Marais, F.C. (Fiona) | Stanford, Fiona
Marais, Fiona & Van Dyk, Tobie. 2010. Put listening to the test: an aid to decision making in language placement. Per Linguam 26(2): 34–51. https://doi.org/10.5785/26-2-18
Marais, Fiona. 2009. An investigation into the significance of listening proficiency in the assessment of academic literacy levels at Stellenbosch University. MPhil dissertation, University of Stellenbosch. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/1636
Mhlongo, P.S. (PraysGod)
Mhlongo, PraysGod, Du Plessis, Colleen & Weideman, Albert. 2022. The development of a motivation for language learning questionnaire in multilingual South Africa: Context and use. Per Linguam 38(1): 118–141. https://doi.org/10.5785/38-1-987
Mhlongo, PraysGod, Du Plessis, Colleen, & Weideman, Albert. 2020. Investigating education students’ language learning beliefs and motivation for learning. Journal for Language Teaching. 54(1): 97–121. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v54i1.1
Myburgh-Smit, Jo-Mari
Myburgh-Smit Jo-Mari & Weideman, Albert. 2021. How early should we measure academic literacy? The usefulness of an appropriate test of academic literacy for Grade 10 students. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 117–131.
Myburgh-Smit, Jo-Mari & Weideman, Albert. 2017. Refinement and uses of a test of academic literacy for Grade 10 students. Journal for Language Teaching 51(1): 271–295. 25. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v51i1.11
Myburgh, Jo-Mari. 2015. The assessment of academic literacy at pre-university level: a comparison of the utility of academic literacy tests and Grade 10 Home Language results. MA dissertation, University of the Free State. http://hdl.handle.net/11660/2081
Naudé, Elsie
Naudé, Elsie, Louw, Brenda & Weideman, Albert. 2007. First steps toward developing tools for language assessment in multilingual urban pre-schoolers. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 25(4): 519–538. https://doi.org/10.2989/16073610709486479
Nizonkiza, Déogratias
Nizonkiza, Déogratias, Van de Poel, Kris, Van Dyk Tobie & Louw, Henk. 2020. Towards modelled testing of productive knowledge of collocations. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 38:4, 307–322. https://doi/org/10.2989/16073614.2020.1858123
Nizonkiza, Déogratias & Van den Berg, Karien. 2014. The dimensional approach to vocabulary testing: What can we learn from past and present practices? Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics, 43: 45–61. https://doi.org/10.5774/43-0-169
Patterson, Rebecca
Patterson, Rebecca. 2013. Diagnosing for design: Aligning language assessment and language instruction. BA.Hons. long essay, University of the Free State
Patterson, Rebecca & Weideman, Albert. 2013. The refinement of a construct for tests of academic literacy. Journal for Language Teaching, 47(1): 125–151. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v47i1.6
Patterson, Rebecca & Weideman, Albert. 2013. The typicality of academic discourse and its relevance for constructs of academic literacy. Journal for Language Teaching, 47(1): 107–123. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v47i1.5
Petersen-Waughtal, Mariana
Petersen-Waughtal, M. & Van Dyk, Tobie. 2011. Towards informed decision making: The importance of baseline academic literacy assessment in promoting responsible university access and support. Journal for Language Teaching 45 (1): 99–114. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v45i1.71801
Pot, Anna
Pot, Anna, & Weideman, Albert. 2015. Diagnosing academic language ability: An analysis of the Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students. Language Matters 46(1): 22–43. https://doi.org.za/10.1080/10228195.2014.986665#.
Pot, Anna. 2013. Diagnosing academic language ability: An analysis of TALPS. MA dissertation, Applied Linguistics, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. [Summa cum laude]
Rambiritch, Avasha
Rambiritch, Avasha, Alston, Linda & Graham, Marien. 2021. Diagnosing with care: The academic literacy needs of theology students. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 170–195.
Rambiritch, Avasha. 2016. Evaluating the effectiveness of a writing intervention for first-year, ‘at-risk’ students. Language Matters 47(1): 22–44. https://doi/org/10.1080/10228195.2015.1136674
Rambiritch, Avasha & Weideman, Albert. 2016. Telling the story of a test: The Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students (TALPS). In: Read, J. (Ed.) Post-admission language assessment of university students. Cham: Springer, Chapter 10, pp. 197–216. https://doi/org/10.1007/978-3-319-39192-2_10.
Rambiritch, Avasha. 2015. Accountability issues in testing academic literacy: the case of the Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students (TALPS). Perspectives in Education 33(1): 26–44. https://doi.org/10.38140/pie.v33i1.1894
Rambiritch, Avasha. 2014. The accessibility of the test of academc literacy for postgraduate students (TALPS): student perceptions. Per Linguam 30(1): 18–27. https://doi.org/10.5785/30-1-214
Rambiritch, Avasha. 2013. Validating the Test of Academic Literacy for Postgraduate Students (TALPS). Journal for Language Teaching, 47(1):175–193. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v47i1.8
Rambiritch, Avasha. 2012. Challenging Messick: proposing a theoretical framework for understanding. Journal for Language Teaching (Special edition: Festschrift in honour of Albert Weideman) 46(2): 108–122. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v46i2.7
Rambiritch, Avasha. 2012. Transparency, accessibility and accountability as regulative conditions for a postgraduate test of academic literacy. PhD thesis, University of the Free State. http://hdl.handle.net/11660/1571
Read, John
Read, John & Du Plessis, Colleen. 2021. Introduction. A global perspective on the South African context. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. xiii–xxvii. https://doi.org/10.21832/9781788926218-003
Scholtz, Desireé
Scholtz, Desireé. 2017. The appropriateness of standardised tests in academic literacy for diploma programmes of study. Language Matters, 48(1): 27–47. https://doi/org/10.1080/10228195.2016.1271350
Scholtz, Desireé. 2012. Using the National Benchmark Tests in Engineering diplomas: revisiting generic academic literacy. Journal for Language Teaching, 46(1): 46–58. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v46i1.3
Sebolai, Kabelo
Sebolai, K. & Mutakwa, D. (2024). A multilingual student population taking a test of academic literacy in English: Implications for test fairness. In K. Vogt & B. E. Antia (Eds.), Multilingual Assessment – Finding the Nexus? (pp.155-184). Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang Verlag. https://doi.org/10.3726/b21992
Sebolai, Kabelo. 2022. The Academic Development approach to academic literacy in higher education South Africa: a disconnect between teaching and assessment. Journal for Language Teaching, 56(2): 1–16. https://doi.org/10.56285/jltVol56iss2a5387
Sebolai, Kabelo. 2022. Determining the faculty specific academic literacies needs of first year university students: a mixed methods approach. Journal for Language Teaching, 56(2): 1–20. https://doi.org/10.56285/jltVol56iss2a5702
Sebolai, Kabelo. 2021. Generic academic literacy testing: a logical precursor for faculty-specific language teaching and assessment. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 151–169.
Sebolai, Kabelo & Stanford, Fiona. 2020. Validating the highest performance standard of a test of academic literacy at a South African university. Per Linguam 36(2): 76–89. https://doi.org/10.5785/36-2-885
Sebolai, Kabelo. 2019. Validating the performance standards set for language assessments of academic readiness: The case of Stellenbosch University. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, Vol. 56: 79–95. https://doi.org/10.5842/56-0-796
Sebolai, Kabelo. 2018. Revisiting the meaning of validity for language testing: The case of two tests of English language ability Journal for Language Teaching 52(1): 152–168. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v52i1.8
Sebolai, Kabelo. 2018. The differential predictive validity of a test of academic literacy for students from different English language school backgrounds. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. https://doi.org/10.2989/16073614.2018.1480899
Sebolai, Kabelo. 2016. Distinguishing between English proficiency and academic literacy in English. Language Matters 47(1): 45–60. https://doi/org/10.1080/10228195.2015.1124281.
Sebolai, Kabelo. 2016. The incremental validity of three tests of academic literacy in the context of a South African university of technology. PhD thesis, University of the Free State. http://hdl.handle.net/11660/5408
Sebolai, Kabelo & Huff, Lindsay. 2015. Academic literacy curriculum renewal at a South African university: a case study. Journal for Language Teaching, 49(1): 333–351. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v49i1.13
Sebolai, Kabelo & Dzansi, DY. 2015. Measuring the impact of an academic literacy programme at a South African University of Technology. International Journal of Educational Sciences 10(2): 248–255.
Sebolai, Kabelo. 2014. Disparate impact, justice and fairness: a case study of the Test of Academic Literacy Levels. Journal for Language Teaching 48(1): 89–107. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v48i1.5
Schildt, Laura
Schildt Laura, Deygers, Bart & Weideman, Albert. 2023. Language testers and their place in the policy web. Language Testing 41(2): 338-356. https://doi.org/10.1177/02655322231191133
Stanford, Fiona. See: Marais, Fiona.
Steyn, H.S. (Faans)
Steyn, Faans & Van der Walt, Johann L. 2017. Setting a cut-off score for a placement test at tertiary level. Journal for Language Teaching, 51(2): 105–118. https://doi.org/10.4314/jltv51i2.5
Steyn, Sanet
Steyn, Sanet. 2021. Pathways to parity between parallel tests of language ability: Lessons from a project. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 132-147.
Steyn, Sanet. 2018. A theoretical justification for the design and refinement of a Test of Advanced Language Ability (TALA). MA dissertation, University of the Free State, cum laude. http://hdl.handle.net/11660/10275
Steyn, Sanet. 2014. The design and refinement of a test of early academic literacy. MA dissertation, Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen. [Cum laude]
Van der Slik, F.W.P. (Frans)
Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2010. Examining bias in a test of academic literacy: does the Test of Academic Literacy Levels (TALL) treat students from English and African language backgrounds differently? Journal for Language Teaching 44(2): 106–118. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v44i2.71793
Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2009. Revisiting test stability: further evidence relating to the measurement of difference in performance on a test of academic literacy. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): 253-263. https://doi.org/10.2989/SALALS.2009.
Van der Slik, Frans. 2008. Gender bias and gender differences in two tests of academic literacy. In: Geldenhuys, Jurie (Ed.) 2009. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (Special issue: Assessing and developing academic literacy) 27(3): 277–290.
Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2008. Measures of improvement in academic literacy. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 26(3): 363-378. https://doi.org/10.2989/SALALS.2008.
Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2007. Testing academic literacy over time: Is the academic literacy of first year students deteriorating? Ensovoort 11(2): 126–137.
Van der Slik, Frans & Weideman, Albert. 2005. The refinement of a test of academic literacy. Per Linguam 21(1): 23–35. https://doi.org/10.5785/21-1-70
Van der Walt, Johann L
Van der Walt, Johann L. & Mostert, Annemarie. 2018. Academic literacy and the development of inference skills at secondary school level. Journal for Language Teaching 52(1): 62–80. https://doi/org/10.4314/jlt.v52i1.4
Van der Walt, Johann L & Steyn, H.S. 2016. A norm for an academic literacy placement test. Journal for Language Teaching 50(1): 167–181. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v50i1.8
Van der Walt, Johann L & Steyn, H.S. 2014. Towards standardisation: a comparison of two versions of an academic literacy test. Journal for Language Teaching 48(1): 109–129. https://doi.org.za/10.4314/jlt.v48i1.6.
Van der Walt, Johann L. 2012. The meaning and uses of language test scores: an argument-based approach to validation. Journal for Language Teaching (Special edition: Festschrift in honour of Albert Weideman) 46(2):43–57. https://doi.org/10.4314/jlt.v46i2.9
Van der Walt, Johann L. & Steyn, Faans. 2008. The validation of language tests. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPIL), 38: 191–204. https://doi.org/10.5774/38-0-29
Van der Walt, Johann L. & Hattingh, Karien. 2007. Fluency and accuracy levels of grade 12 ESL learners. Per Linguam, 23(2): 15–28. https://doi/org/10.5785/23-2-53
Van der Walt, Johann L. & Steyn, H.S. 2007. Pragmatic validation of a test of academic literacy at tertiary level. Ensovoort 11(2): 138–153.
Van Dyk, T.J. (Tobie)
Van Dyk, Tobie & Weideman, Albert. 2022. Taaltoetsing en die assessering van taalvermoë [Language testing and the assessment of language ability]. In W. Carstens & T.van Dyk (Eds.), Toegepaste Taalkunde in Afrikaans [Applied linguistics in Afrikaans] (pp. 125–1420). Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Van Dyk, Tobie. 2021. Postscript: What the data tell us: An overview of language assessment research in South Africa’s multilingual context. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 217–235.
Van Dyk, Tobie, Murre, Piet, & Kotzé, Herculene. 2021. Does one size fit all? Some considerations for test translation. In Weideman, Albert, Read, John & Du Plessis, Theo (Eds.) Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation, pp. 52–74.
Van Dyk, Tobie; Louw, Henk; Nizonkiza Deogratias & Van de Poel, Kris. 2016. Productive knowledge of collocations may predict academic literacy. Per Linguam, 32(2), 66–81. https://doi.org/10.5785/32-2-601
Van Dyk, Tobie. 2015. Tried and tested. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing 37(2): 159–186. https://doi.org/10.5117/TVT2015.2.VAND
Van Dyk, Tobie. 2014. Academic literacy stretches beyond language development. NWU Research Dynamics [Virtual papers].
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Reworked as a workshop presentation for the LANSPAN colloquium, University of Groningen, 4 December, 2012.
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